Triple Nickel Recap
As each of the 12 riders arrived at Bair’s for the Triple Nickel Ride - their smiles were wide and eyes were big - everyone could see that it was going to be a glorious day to ride.
Horse Apple Highway Ride Recap
Rain, rain go away! The chapter flip flopped the ride day again due to weather forecasts reviewed on Friday morning. Texts, emails, and Facebook updates flew out Friday morning. This resulted in ten members of the North Canton IMRG braving wet roads to assemble for the Horse Apple Highway Ride.
Official North Canton IMRG Shirts – Back in Stock!
New stock of the official North Canton IMRG Shirt is in now at Bair’s!
Headlands Beach Ride Recap
As many of you know the ride date was changed due to rain on Saturday. The communication being used by the technical team appears to doing very well. Thirteen bikes showed up for the ride.
July Chapter Meeting Minutes
Chapter President Wanda Carlisle conducted our monthly meeting which was attended by 10 members and officers.
The meeting focused on the multiple rides we had since our last meeting, our upcoming events and included a lengthy discussion of how to best handle communication of surprise road hazards when riding tight, twisty roads.
PA is OPEN!!! Let’s Go Play!
PA lifted all restrictions at the end of June, so we’ve planned a weekend overnight for some long overdue playtime in PA. Wanted to go on the Blue Ridge Parkway trip, but couldn’t take that much time off, or miles too daunting? This one’s for you.
Ohio’s Best Roads II Recap
Mother Nature presented us with a bit of a challenge for our first scheduled July ride, but with a little forethought and effective channels of communication we still managed to pull off a successful ride on some fantastic roads. The ride was originally scheduled as a Sunday ride, but as the Sunday forecast worsened throughout the week a last-minute decision was made to move the ride up to Saturday.
Calling All Scouts Ride Recap
If You Name It, They Will Come
The call was put out for the Scouts to come out and play, and they answered. Five Scouts joined our President’s shiny new Scout to lead seven of their bigger cousins (and one friend) to Beaver Creek State Park for a picnic by the creek.
Official North Canton IMRG Shirts
Official North Canton IMRG Shirts – Get ‘Em While They’re Hot!
Record Turnout at Demo Days 2021
Demo Days 2021 at Bair’s can be summed up in four words: WOW, WHAT A WEEKEND!
Traveling IMRG Box
The Traveling IMRG Box will be in Ohio before you know it! We will receive the box from a neighboring chapter and pass it on to yet another chapter. What do YOU think we should put in the box?
6.17.21 - BRP Smokey Dragon Recap
Thursday June 17th, started crisp and cool for mid June. Four chapter members assembled for the BRP Smokey Dragon Ride. The goal was four days and three nights of motorcycle mayhem.
June Chapter Meeting Minutes
Chapter President Wanda Carlisle conducted our monthly meeting which was attended by 13 members and officers.
The meeting focused on the June 25th and 26th Demo Days event. The group also discussed our completed rides to date and looked at future planned rides.
6.6.21 - Last of the Mohicans Ride
Thirteen bikes and fourteen riders took a nice Sunday ride to Mohican State Park and the Ohio Mochican-Memorial Shrine.
5.22.21 - Feed ‘em and Eat ‘em Ride Review
It may not be the question that keeps you up at night, but have you ever wondered how big a bison’s tongue is? 21 chapter members and friends found out the answer to that burning question and so many more when they followed our President down to the Boss Bison Ranch outside of Cadiz. Yes, Virginia, there are bison in Ohio.
We Need You!
Please consider volunteering at Demo Days on June 25th and 26th at Bair’s. Demo Days 2021 is shaping up to be HUGE!
5.15.21 Marblehead Ride Results
It was a beautiful crisp Saturday morning as 12 bikes and 13 travelers headed to Marblehead Ohio.
All Hail King of the Baggers
Tyler O’Hara was set to defend his King of the Baggers title on Sunday, May 2nd in Atlanta. Was he successful? Check it out for yourself here!
May Chapter Meeting Minutes
Chapter President Wanda Carlisle conducted our monthly meeting which was attended by 14 members and officers.
The meeting focused on the April 17th Kickoff Ride results and all of our rides through May 1st. We discussed all our rides planned in May along with details around the Blue Ridge Smokey Mountain Ride.