Official North Canton IMRG Shirts

The official North Canton IMRG Shirt is now available in 2 colors at Bair’s Indian Motorcycle:  the traditional black and now RED!  They’re selling like hotcakes.  We debuted the new color at the IMRG table at Demo Days; Bair’s promptly sold out of several sizes.  More will be ordered soon.  If you want one, please click here and let us know what size(s) you need so we can pass it on to Jeana to order.  The shirts are $19.99 each.

North Canton IMRG members sporting their new shirts while ordering lunch on the Calling All Scouts Ride.

North Canton IMRG members sporting their new shirts while ordering lunch on the Calling All Scouts Ride.


2021 Charity Support Update


Record Turnout at Demo Days 2021