Record Turnout at Demo Days 2021

Demo Days 2021 at Bair’s can be summed up in four words:  WOW, WHAT A WEEKEND!

If you missed Demo Days Friday and Saturday at Bair’s, you missed a lot… one REALLLLLY BIG truck filled with 24 brand spankin new bikes decked out with all kinds of accessories and 256 demo riders that were like kids in a candy store with Indian’s new self-guided demo ride structure.  That’s right, no structured group rides on the half hour like in prior Demo Days events.  Just ride, ride, ride.  And ride they did to the tune of $800 in gas!  It was like a party at Bair’s with riders hanging out all day long, enjoying the bikes, the beautiful weather and complimentary food from coffee and donuts in the morning to dogs, chips and drinks served up by IMRG 1963.  The Demo Truck folks ranked it the best dealership demo event they’d seen.  

Several new friends stopped by the IMRG table and decided to officially enroll as chapter members and a few even joined us on Sunday for our Calling All Scouts Ride.  Between raffle-ticket sales and cash contributions at the grill, we raised a total of $624 for the Akron Canton Regional Foodbank.  And we debuted the new color that is now available for official North Canton IMRG shirts, which are now nearly sold out.  Don’t worry, Bair’s will have more in stock soon.  And finally, new love affairs have begun between Chris and the FTR, Wanda and the Super Chief Limited and Maria with the Chieftain, the Chief AND the Scout?!  The Weisgarbers are definitely going to need a bigger garage!

Thank you to all of the chapter officers and members who volunteered their time:  Maria Weisgarber and David White who grilled up hundreds of dogs and their assistants Tim Richardson, Sheldon Lehman, Brock Sloan, Tom Brannan and Mike Bates who kept the supplies flowing and the tables clean; Mike Johnston and Al Kelley who sold 63 tickets for our Indian-themed quilt raffle to benefit the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank; and John Breda, Kevin Irwin, Tom Johnson and Chris Weisgarber who, hands down, had the best job of all, they got to play with the bikes and show the riders why they’re so cool for two straight days!  The Demo representative (“Demo Tom” as he came to be known) said he’d never seen such strong chapter support of a demo event.  Give yourselves a pat on the back, you did us proud!

Speaking of which, a special thank you to Eddie Valle for the awesome pictures!  By the way, if you thought you saw someone clocking you on a radar gun on your demo ride, you can rest easy, it was just Eddie and his camera!


Official North Canton IMRG Shirts


Traveling IMRG Box