Headlands Beach Ride Recap

By John Breda - Chapter VP and Ride Leader

As many of you know the ride date was changed due to rain on Saturday. The communication being used by the technical team appears to doing very well. Thirteen bikes showed up for the ride.

The ride up to Headlands Beach did not go quite as planned. The plan was to go up Rt. 43, but ended up out of the way and backtracking. A missed turn had Ride Command trying to get us back to a waypoint that had been set. We can discuss that lesson learned at a future meeting.

We made it to Headlands beach where we walked out to the beach for some site-seeing. Then it was off to Sammy's Diner for lunch where we had great service and very good food. Everyone was talking and sharing stories and just enjoying each other's company.

The weather was very nice, and sunny. Overall, even with the difficulties, it was still a nice day of riding.

The next ride is the Horse Apple Highway Ride on Sunday July, 25th.


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