5.15.21 Marblehead Ride Results

By Kevin Irwin: Ride Leader

Photo Credits: Mike Johnston

It was a beautiful crisp Saturday morning as 12 bikes and 13 travelers headed to Marblehead Ohio. The group traveled north west through Marshalville, Smithville, Red Haw, Savanah, Norwalk, and Monroeville to get to Sandusky. OH 302 was closed a short portion, so we had to detour and catch US 250 in Ashland. Ohio farmers were busy planting, so we had a fair share of farm equipment to navigate around.

We lunched at Berardi’s Family Kitchen in Sandusky. We were well taken care of and learned that they have been supplying Cedar Point with french fries since 1942. If you are dining in Sandusky, stop in at Berardi’s on Perkins and tell them IMRG North Canton sent you. To learn more about their history click here —-> Berardi’s Fries

After lunch the group took US 6 to OH 2 to Marblehead. Our first stop was the lighthouse, where a few of us splashed in the waves to check if our boots were waterproof. The air was fresh, the sun was bright, and the blue sky tinted Lake Erie a Caribbean blue. It was such a clear day we could see Kelley’s Island and Put N’ Bay across the lake.

We saddled up and traveled the shore line along the lake and found the causeway to Johnson’s Island. After paying our toll, we traveled across the causeway onto the island. Johnson’s Island was home to a civil war prison from 1862 to 1865. All that is left is a cemetery for confderate prisoners who perished while imprisoned on the island.

We wrapped up our visit to Johnson’s Island by riding to see the marina that was built into the quarry. It is an amazing site to see the homes that ring the top of the quarry and the marina at the bottom. Floating docks provide slips for boaters who enter through channel that is accessed from Sandusky Bay.

The group headed home with the hot sun on our backs that faded behind clouds as we scrambled home. Round trip was just over 300 miles. All in all a great day of riding, sight seeing, and hanging out with friends.


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