Mike Johnston Fundraiser
We’ve all been blessed to know and ride with our dear friend Mike Johnston. If you were at our February Coffee, Donuts and Comradery, you know that Mike is making improvements. He’s talking and getting stronger every day, but the medical bills are mounting and his family is feeling the stress…and Mike has a long road ahead of him. It’s time to help our friend again.
Save the Date - Swap Your Swag
This year’s Swap Your Swag has been scheduled for Saturday, April 9th at Bair’s Indian Motorcycle. We’ll do a full Coffee, Donuts and Comradery that day and details will be coming soon. But for now just say the date and get your swag ready!
Axe Throwing Recap
On Saturday, January 22nd 15 of us gathered at All American Axe Throwing in Canton. We didn’t know exactly what we were in for, but we had a hunch we’d have a good time…and we were right. So it turns out throwing the axe is the easy part; getting the axe to stick in the wood…not so easy! Some of us bounced it on the floor more than anything else.
Rescheduled - Coffee, Donuts and Comradery - Learn to Lead and Sweep plus Special Guest
Our second “CD&C” is Saturday, February 5th, 9:00 am – 11:00 am at Bair’s Indian Motorcycle. Join us to learn everything you ever wanted to know about being a Ride Captain or Sweeper.
Ride Schedule Meeting
Interested in helping the team plan the rides for the 2022 riding season? Join us at Bair’s Powersports this Saturday from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM.
January Coffee, Donuts and Comradery Recap
Our first Coffee, Donuts, and Comradery for 2022 took place at Bair’s Indian Motorcycle the morning of January 8th.
Axe Throwing Outing
At our Holiday Dinner in December we announced that we are planning some off-season social events to include our other halves. Our first event is a doozy. We’re gonna go throw some axes (think darts, but with big blades) at All American Axe Throwing in Canton!
IMRG 1963 Launches Coffee, Donuts and Comradery
It’s cold and the days are short, so we thought we’d try something new this winter. Instead of our formal monthly meetings on Monday nights in January, February and March, we’d like to invite you to join us at Bair’s Indian Motorcycle on select Saturday mornings for a little something we’re calling Coffee, Donuts and Comradery. Come hang out with your friends and enjoy complimentary coffee and donuts.
Bair’s Indian Motorcycle to Sponsor 2022 Iron Butt Ride
The date has been set… the Third Annual Southeast Iron Butt Tour to benefit Operation Homefront is scheduled for Friday, June 3rd. Bair’s Indian Motorcycle will open (not so) bright and early to give our brave riders a caffeinated sendoff as they embark on 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours…eventual destination Handlebar Highway in Knoxville, TN.
2021 Holiday Gathering Recap
To cap off an amazing and eventful year the group met at the Canal Grille in Canal Fulton for food, festivities, and friendship.
2021 Holiday Gathering
Join us for a much-needed evening of fellowship and friendship on Saturday, December 11th at the Canal Grille at 2223 Locust Street in Canal Fulton. We’ll gather at 6:30 to share memories of the 2021 riding season, honor our high mileage riders and approve our slate of officers for 2022.
Head to the Hocking Hills Ride Recap
North Canton IMRG Chapter headed for the hills on Saturday, October 2nd, the Hocking Hills to be more specific. Rainy weather forecasted for Sunday moved the ride to Saturday. Once again email notifications, Facebook posts, texts message, and early AM calls brought 15 people together on 13 bikes for a great ride.
Lucky Winner Takes Home Quilt After Successful Chapter Fund Raiser!
Thank you to all who purchased tickets this year and otherwise made donations to help us support the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. Thanks to all of you, we were able to raise $1,609.00 for the Foodbank, which is enough to provide 6,436 meals to needy families in our area.
Spread Eagle Ride Recap
It was a glorious day to ride on Sunday, September 19th…the perfect fall day, not too hot and not too cold. And our ride turnout reflected it. The ride to the Spread Eagle Tavern & Inn was our biggest ride this season, with 19 bikes rolling out from the lineup and another 2 bikes jumping in along the way.
9/11 Remembrance Ride
On Saturday 9/11/21 twelve members of IMRG Chapter 1963 gathered to remember the victims of the terror attack on September 11th, 2001.
2021 Charity Support Update
We’re almost at the finish line! We’ll draw the winner of our Quilt Raffle this Saturday! Rain or shine, someone is taking home this beautiful Indian Motorcycle-themed quilt.
Ride-In to the Drive-In!
Thank you Brock S. for letting us know about this fun event coming up at the Aut-O-Rama Twin Drive-In in North Ridgeville on Saturday, September 11th.
WV Leaf Ride Finalized!
It’s Our Last Hurrah!
You’ve been hearing some of us talk about last year’s WV trip all season…now it’s time for you to get in on the fun! Four days and 3 nights in WV during (we hope) full peak leaf season!
Play in PA Ride Recap
Departure Day Friday, August 13th, (yes we planned a trip to leave on Friday the 13th, what were we thinking!) started with cancellations and scrambling to reorganize rooms with new roommates. A couple people got scared by the 50% chance for rain across the entire route on Friday, but 50% chance to get wet also means 50% chance to stay dry…which we did…sort of.
August Chapter Meeting Minutes
Chapter President Wanda Carlisle conducted our monthly meeting which was attended by 11 members and officers.
The meeting focused on news from the National IMRG Officers meeting, plans for our Play in PA Ride, and recaps of our July rides.