2021 Holiday Gathering Recap

Photo Credits: Kevin Irwin

Fellowship and friendship were the focus as 22 chapter members (including two new members, welcome Patrick and Jacque McKee) and “other halves” gathered at the Canal Grill in Canal Fulton to reminisce about the riding season that was 2021. Throughout the evening, members were treated to a montage of short videos and pictures from all of our rides and functions in 2021 (thank you Chris Weisgarber for putting it together. That Kickoff Breakfast feels like a year ago now!

Foodwise, the evening started with appetizers provided by Bair’s Indian Motorcycle (the BBQ meatballs were a big hit), members enjoyed a special menu selected by the officers to hit every major meat group and wrapped up with a sheet cake featuring the IMRG logo (not much left of that at the end of the night).

When everyone finished dinner, it was time for the President’s message, rider recognition awards, 2021 officer recognition and approval of the 2022 slate of officers, plus a sneak peek at 2022. Wanda focused on the theme of fellowship and friendship, noting that this core concept is what makes IMRG 1963 so special. Before recognizing riders, Wanda recognized and thanked Bair’s Indian Motorcycle for their support throughout the 2021 season. We were fortunate to have both Bair’s owner and President Brad Cheyney (with his lovely wife Kirsten) and Marketing/Office Admin (and chapter liaison extraordinaire) Jeana Poa join us for the evening.

Next it was time to recognize each officer’s contribution to the season, from Secretary/Communications Director Kevin Irwin practically single-handedly meeting all of our chapter goals for the season with the design and maintenance of our chapter website that was unveiled in March, to Head Road Captain Tom Johnson coming up with so many ride ideas that we had a jam-packed season, Social Media Director Maria Weisgarber keeping our Facebook and Instagram current and picking up new followers along the way, Membership Director Chris Weisgarber (did we mention that video?) and Vice President John Breda for, well, for being John. Jeana had a gift from Bair’s for each of the officers in gratitude for their hard work.

Chris Weisgarber then took the floor to present the results of our Membership Survey.

Tom Johnson presented the 2021 season by the numbers: 6385 miles through 22 sponsored rides, 42 individual riders participating in at least one ride, and 16 riders logging 1000 miles or more with the group.

On to rider recognitions, of which there were more than ever before. For the first time in chapter history we honored multiple levels of ridership: 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K and 5K, representing chapter ride miles ridden. 1K and 2K riders received an Indian Motorcycle pin; 3K and 4K riders received the new Indian Motorcycle holiday mug. Here’s the breakdown:


  • Mike Newbold (1,054)

  • Chuck Austin (1,173)

  • David White (1,324)

  • Randy Render (1,402)

  • Rick Kendall (1,757)


  • Mike Bates (2,230)

  • Jerry D’Antonio (2,493)

  • Tim Richardson (2,605)

  • John Breda (2,895)


  • Maria Weisgarber (3,313)

  • Wanda Carlisle (3,455)

  • Brock Sloan (3,928)

  • Chris Weisgarber (3,928)


  • Tom Johnson (4,537)

  • Kevin Irwin (4,829)


  • Mike Johnston (5,635)

Rider recognition led up to the announcement of a new program for chapter 1963: Member of the Year. Each year one member will be selected by the officers based on ride participation, volunteering at functions and general enthusiasm for Indian Motorcycles and IMRG. The Member of the Year will receive a gift card from Bair’s and their name will go on a plaque to be displayed at Bair’s. Officers are not eligible, but this year all officers and Bair’s were in agreement that our Member of the Year went to our beloved Safety Officer, Mike Johnston, who logged 5,635 miles with the group and perpetually embodies everything we all strive to be as riders. Mike wasn’t able to be with us that evening but our hearts were, and still are, with him. In lieu of a gift card, Bair’s is making a donation in the name of IMRG 1963 to Mike’s GoFundMe. Wanda then shared the best news of the night… Mike is awake.

Looking ahead to 2022, Wanda unveiled our new meeting schedule for Jan/Feb/Mar. In these off-season months, we will begin a new Coffee, Donuts and Comradery series on Saturday mornings instead of our Monday night meetings. Once a month, on Saturday morning, come to Bair’s between 9:00 am and 11:00 am and enjoy coffee and donuts and catch up with your fellow members and officers. At 10:00 we’ll have a presentation for our members, along with any pertinent information that would normally be shared at a meeting. Our first “CD&C” will be Saturday, January 8th, starting at 9:00 am. At 10:00 am Chris Weisgarber will share his experience riding the Southeast Iron Butt last year and lead a Q&A for anyone who wants to participate this year.

Which leads us to our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT… Bair’s Indian Motorcycle is an official sponsor of the Southeast Iron Butt Tour III to benefit Operation Homefront. The event is scheduled for Friday, June 3rd and will be a full weekend event. Bair’s will open early for a special send-off to our riders, who will roll out at 4:00 am to ride 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours, arriving in Knoxville, TN, between 10:00 pm and midnight. Saturday and Sunday will feature more riding, including Foothills Parkway, Tail of the Dragon and Cherohala Skyway. This is a certified Iron Butt event and all you have to do is ride; all of the routing will be done for you.

Not too much can top the Iron Butt announcement, but how about joining us on January 22nd for some axe-throwing? Continuing our focus on fellowship and friendship, we’re going to incorporate some social activities in the off-season to include our other halves. Keep an eye on the website and your email for more details and save the date on your calendar.

The final order of business for the night was the approval by voice vote of the 2022 officers:

  • President – Wanda Carlisle

  • Vice President – John Breda

  • Head Road Captain – Tom Johnson

  • Membership Director – Chris Weisgarber

  • Social Media Director – Maria Weisgarber

  • Communications Director – Jerry D’Antonio

All 2021 officers are continuing in their positions, with the exception of Kevin Irwin, our Communications Director. Kevin chose to step down from the role as next summer he’ll be embarking on a 55 day, cross-country motorcycle road trip and knew he wouldn’t be able to perform the duties during the ride season. Despite our collective jealousy, the group thanks Kevin for all his contributions. We truly wouldn’t be where we are today without the great work he’s done with the website and mailing list. We’re looking forward to hearing all the stories and seeing all the photos when he returns from his trip, and also to logging a few miles with him before and after. Jerry D’Antonio was nominated to hold the fort for Kevin while he’s gone

And with the unanimous approval of the 2022 officers, we called it a night. Thank you to all who were a part of the 2021 riding season. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Happy Holidays from Chapter 1963.

From left to right: Chris Weisgarber, Wanda Carlisle, Jerry D’Antonio, John Breda, Tom Johnson, and Maria Weisgarber.


Bair’s Indian Motorcycle to Sponsor 2022 Iron Butt Ride


2021 Holiday Gathering