August Chapter Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

  • Wanda called to order the monthly meeting of the North Canton Indian Motorcycle Group at 7:01 PM.

  • Video – Bagger Myths

Old Business

  • National IMRG Officer Meeting July

    • Traveling IMRG Box will NOT come to us. It unfortunately skipped the mid-west region.

    • Lengthy discussions regarding safely leading large groups. Collected some information for adjustments that our chapter officers will consider and present to chapter.

    • Discussed the pros and cons of chapter dues.

  • Play in PA Weekend

    • 8 bikes going, 10 bikes returning, plus 1 PA rider

    • 11 people have confirmed (10 riders, 1 passenger)

    • Keeping a close eye on PA restrictions with hotel and restaurants.

    • Wanda will be contacting riders directly via email as we approach our departure date.

  • Holiday Party - Saturday, December 11th 7pm - Canal Grill in Canal Fulton, Ohio 

    • Officers are beginning to plan our holiday gathering.  Keep an eye on the website for details this fall.

New Business

 President’s Update – Wanda

  • September meeting 

    • Reminder that the First Monday of the month is Labor Day – meeting will be on the 2nd Monday of the month, September 13th.

Membership Update – Chris Weisgarber

  • Received two new requests for membership enrollment forms.

Communications Update – Kevin

  • Website and Facebook working well to alert chapter of ride date changes due to in-climate weather.

  • Engagement on Website remains strong and Facebook engagement continues to grow.

Ride Review – Tom and Mike

  • Saturday 7/17 – Headlands Beach (John led, Tom swept)

    • 13 bikes

    • Lunch – Sammy’s Diner

    • What did we do well? Great lunch spot and a nice idea for sight seeing.

    • How could we have done it better? GPS challenges: we need to understand the Ride Command issues on some bikes and look into training.  Maria wanted more time to put on her flip flops and walk the beach! 

  • Saturday 7/24/21 – Horse Apple Highway (Kevin led, Wanda swept)

    • 10 bikes and a special appearance by Mike N’s wife!

    • Lunch – East Main Kitchen and Coffee - awesome! 

    • What did we do well?  Great roads.  Good communications regarding date change.

    • How could we have done it better?  Helmet comm issues again but Wanda and Kevin worked it out.

  • Sunday 7/31/21 Triple Nickel (Kevin led, John swept)

    • 12 bikes, 12 riders, no passengers

    • Lunch – Triple Nickel grill in Chester Hill

    • What did we do well?  Sweeper John Breda did a nice job jumping off with rider with low fuel and meeting at planned gas stop. 

    • How could we have done it better?  Remind riders to top off tanks and eat a little breakfast before line up.


Upcoming rides – Tom Johnson

  • Saturday 8/7 – Bridges of Ashtabula County

    • Ride Captain – Tom Johnson

    • Sweep – Kevin Irwin

  • Friday 8/13-Sunday 8/15 – Play in PA

    • Ride Captain – Wanda Carlisle

    • Sweep – Kevin Irwin

    • Reservations closed…we’ll take lots of pictures! 

  • Saturday 8/21/21 – Mt. Vernon Loop

    • Ride Captain – Tom Johnson 

    • Sweep –  TBD

  •  Saturday 9/11/21 – Flying Der Dutchman

    • Ride Captain – Kevin Irwin

    • Sweeper - TBD

    • Lunch – Der Dutchman in Walnut Creek (the original) 

Announcements – important upcoming dates – Wanda

• Discussed a few calendar ideas for next year

  • Indian Four Cylinder Club Annual Meeting - usually early August

  • Ashland County Fair - 1/2 mile AMA Vintage Dirt Track Race


Play in PA Ride Recap


Triple Nickel Recap