Are You Ready for Riding Season?... Are You Sure?

We’ve all been there. The salt is finally gone, the sun is shining and it’s warm. Who among us hasn’t RUN out to the garage on that first day like a kid at Christmas and just hopped on the bike only to get down the road and realize, oops, I don’t have my phone, I don’t have my wallet, my tire pressure is low and hey I need gas! So let’s slow our roll just a little bit and ask ourselves a few questions, like…

When I open my saddlebags, what will I find? Did you remember to clean them out before you tucked your bike away for it’s long winter’s nap? Ditto for your jacket pockets!

When was the last time I changed the battery in my key fob? Or better yet, have I ever changed the battery in my key fob? Better to ask these questions now in the comfort of your home, than trying to start the bike back up after getting gas and having the bike answer them for you.

Do I know where my keys are?

How about current insurance card and registration? Time to get those in their proper place on the bike.

Let’s talk about gear. Does it all still fit and is it all still functional? And where is that rain gear anyway? How bout that mid layer and extra set of gloves?

And of course, let’s not forget about the bike. Of course it’s polished to a blinding shine (unless you’re lucky enough to own a Dark Horse), but have you checked the lights, the tires, your battery… is everything that should be tight, tight? How bout the oil, did you make it in for that service last fall, or is it time to call Bair’s so you can get that appointment in before Kickoff?

You’ve got a couple more chilly days to ponder these questions before April gets here and Riding Season officially gets underway. And yes, I am speaking from experience on ALL of the above… See you all soon!


Winter Activities Recap (for you snowbirds who haven’t been around)


Safety Practice Course