Safety Practice Course

Once again, Bair’s is allowing us the use of their parking lot for some slow speed exercises so we can shake off the rust together and be ready for riding season. On Sunday, April 3rd we’ll have the cones set up from noon – 3:00 pm so you can practice weaves, turns from a stop and the dreaded box (both 3-parking space width and 2-parking space width)… you know you have to turn the bike around eventually. Plus, we’ll have the slow speed lane to practice clutch control and an ever-tightening circle to reacquaint yourself with your bike’s lean angle. This is not a class, it’s an opportunity to practice skills as a group and amongst friends; no judgement, only friendly support. Ask anyone who attended last year and they’ll tell you it was truly a bonding experience. Come by anytime between noon and 3:00 and practice as long or as little as you’d like. One thing is guaranteed, we are all a little rusty with our bikes sitting all winter.

Rob Gaddis tightening up his circle…you’ll have to imagine the steely focus behind those shades…😎

Rick Cooper navigating the 3-space U-Turn.

Head Road Captain Tom Johnson enters the weave as Rick Cooper exits the 90 degree turn from a stop in the background.


Are You Ready for Riding Season?... Are You Sure?


"Goofy" Bowling & Craft Beer Outing