IMRG 1963 Through the Years

Bob Rogers, first IMRG 1963 Prez, writes this about our first ever group ride:

On the day of our first ride we had a great turnout with about 12 to 15 bikes. Just as we left the original Dealership location on Portage Road, we were hit with a cloudburst!! Before we reached I-77, a mere two miles away, we lost HALF of the group, but the rain stopped and blue skies appeared as we merged onto I-77. Most of the remaining riders had on rain gear and had either a windshield or a fairing on their bike. This was not the case for one of our riders... he had no rain gear and rode without a windshield. He could not have been wetter if he had just climbed out of a swimming pool, but he remained on the ride, and by the time we reached New Rumley, he was almost as dry as the rest of us. We had an enjoyable visit to the Custer site and museum, then headed for the Marina Restaurant on Tappan Lake for lunch. After lunch, we continued our tour by riding around a couple more of the Muskingam Watershed Lakes before we finally headed home. It was a memorable day as our first ride together!


Route 6 Recap


2022 Riding Season is Officially Underway! - Kickoff Ride Recap