Christmas Party Wraps-up the Year
By Tom Johnson - Chapter President
Another season is complete, and what a wild one it was……
Again, I sit here on my computer and try to think of something inspirational to say, and I can't think of anything TO say!!!
Imagine that, a president with no words!
We ended the season with our annual Christmas party. We had an excellent turnout for it, and everyone enjoyed themselves. I tried hard to shorten it as much as possible, but there were so many awards, 21 people total, and so much information to share, but no one complained until it was time for the cake!!! Everyone always wants cake!! Congratulations to our 2022 Rider of the Year, Rick Kendall, and his fantastic wife, Mary, for being our top riders for the season. They finished with over 4,700 miles for the season!
At the Christmas party, we recognize our Rider of the Year. Members provided several quality nominees, making it a hard decision.
2023 Rider of then Year
Congratulations to Larami Ball, our 2023 Rider of the Year! She is worthy of this award and will significantly contribute to the group for many seasons.
I also would like to recognize our officers for the 2024 season. Please thank them when you see them!
Tom Johnson—President/Co-Ride Captain
John Breda—Vice President
Kevin Irwin—Communication Director / Webmaster
Jerry D'Antonio—Membership Director
Tim Williams—Safety/Co-Ride Captain
Chris Weisgarber—Social Media
My "Chiefs of Staff" are a wonderful group, and we will continue to grow and make IMRG#1963 N Canton one of the best out there.
2023 was a fantastic year, with over 72,000 miles ridden as a group. We added many new members and maintained our core of dedicated riders. Check out Kevin Irwin's article on our 2023 survey results. We will factor that feedback into our 2024 planning.
I am very optimistic about the 2024 riding season. I previewed the plan, and everyone seemed excited and ready to go.
So until then, be safe, be good. Santa is always watching!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!!!! We'll see you in 2024!!!