April Chapter Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

  • Wanda called to order the monthly meeting of the North Canton Indian Motorcycle Group at 7:01 PM.

  • Viewed video on the history and use of the motorcycle wave.


  • 17 in attendance

  • Welcomed new members - Tim Richardson and Mike Bates

  • Welcomed back - Rick Martino

Old Business

  • Website launch – went well and is generating prospective membership inquiries.

  • Parking lot refresher completed Sunday March 21st.

New Business

President’s Update – Wanda – Focus tonight is safety 

  • Parking lot refresher

    • 14 in attendance - Bair’s opened the parking lot on a Sunday and donated cones.

    • The practice areas included tight turns, a straight away to find your friction zone, a slalom course, standing right and left turns, two tight turns, and an emergency stop area.

    • Great supportive environment - everyone enjoyed the course and sharpened their skills.

    • Check out some photos of the event in the Friendship Gallery

  • Group riding protocol – Mike and Tom

    • Discussed how we ride as a chapter and our intention of riding safely.

    • Reviewed the staggered formation and distances.

    • Reviewed hand signals.

    • Reviewed hazard signals.

    • Discussed some Do’s and Don’ts:

      • Do keep the rider behind you in your mirror.

      • Do pass back all signals.

      • Do ride your own ride – communicate concerns with ride captain.

      • Do maintain staggered formation but keep in mind order may change after stops.

      • Don’t pass another rider.

      • Don’t stop traffic at intersections.

      • Don’t hot dog.

  • ICE Cards – Mike and Wanda

    • Recommending all chapter members carry one.

    • There was a live demonstration of how to complete a form that can be downloaded to your computer.

    • Forms and instructions can be found here —> ICE Card

  • Membership Director Update – We are in search of a Membership Director

    • Duties include responding to membership inquiries, and serving as a general ambassador for the chapter.

    • Time commitment: somewhat sporadic as emails come in, provide a monthly article to the news letter, and manage the membership enrollment forms.

    • Attend Officers meeting once a month and the monthly chapter meeting.

Communication Update – Kevin

  • Membership engagement is measured in four ways:

    • Meeting Attendance - We are averaging 16 attendees per meeting.

    • Group Ride Attendance - To be seen as the season starts.

    • Members opening and clicking on emails

      • We have 123 members who receive emails, 42% of the membership opens and reads those emails.

    • Traffic on the website

      • Since our official launch on March 7th, we have had 262 unique visitors to the site who have visited 396 times and looked over 1,225 pages.

      • Most of our traffic comes directly from Newsletter email links or accessing the site directly. 80 visitors find us through the Bair’s website, while the remainder find us through Instagram and Facebook.

      • The website has generated a number of membership inquiries.

      • To date the website has exceed our expectations on engagement and we are committed to keeping information fresh and relevant.

  • Members only password requests - we have handed out less than 40 passwords to date. We are hoping this picks up as the riding season starts. Encourage your chapter friends to verify their membership and get their password. Request your members only password by clicking here —-> Members Only Password Request

Ride Update – Tom

  • Kickoff Ride route posted to website in the Member Only Section.

  • Reviewed details of Kickoff Ride:

    • 9:30 – Breakfast (assorted individually wrapped sandwiches from Buehlers and plenty of coffee)

    • 10:00 – Chapter photos (polish that chrome!)

    • 10:30 – Pre-ride meeting

    • 11:00 Kick Stands Up

VP Thoughts – John

  • Congratulations to Brock Sloan for winning March’s Fun Fact drawing. He will receive some IMRG member gear courtesy of Bair’s Indian Motorcycle.

Announcements – important upcoming dates – Wanda

  • The cones donated by Bair’s for the Low Speed Practice are available to be signed out for use. They are stored in the service area in the cabinets above the sink. There is a sign out sheet for the number of cones you need.

  • Please try to stop in on April 17th even if you cannot ride that day. We need your smiling face for some group pictures.

  • As you prep your bike for riding season be sure to throw a mask in the saddlebag.

  • 2021 rocker patches available to members. Check it out —> Get Your Rockers


  • Wanda adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm. Next meeting is Monday, May 3rd at Bair’s.


Are You as Prepared for Riding Season as Your Bike?


In Case of Emergency