Postponed - Tappan Crooked S

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

By royal decree, Sir Wallet of the Dark Horse has bestowed a proclamation of great importance upon you, his loyal subjects of IMRG 1963 North Canton.

Sir Wallet has announced that thee group journey for thee weekend will be null & void due to the perplexing of foul tempers that Mother Nature has placed upon the land. The journeys will commence the following weekend, hence Saturday the 14th for Tappan Lake journey and Sunday the 15th for Route 6 to Lake Erie journey.

If, and this is a big IF, those days are again taken from us by Mother Nature or any other mishaps, the rides will be moved to a later date. Let this proclamation be heard throughout our great land near & far.

So let this be written... so let it be done!!!


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