March Chapter Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

  • Wanda called to order the monthly meeting of the North Canton Indian Motorcycle Group at 7:01 PM.

  • 16 members and officers attended the meeting.

  • Brad Cheyney welcomed everyone to the meeting - he and Clay were pulling double duty with a Polaris Snowmobile launch during the meeting. He congratulated the chapter on the the exciting things that are planned for 2021 and reinforced his support for the chapter.

Old Business

  • Swap Your Swag planning for the February 20th event.

  • Ride Schedule Planning continued through February.

New Business

President’s Update – Wanda

  • Swap Your Swag

    • 53 raffle tickets sold ($215). Thank you John, Mike and Tom for manning the ticket table.

    • Ride Command Seminar – working on creating video for the website.

    • Interest in chapter is high.

  • Participated in National IMRG call with officers from all over the county

    • Traveling IMRG Box has started journey in Orange County, CA.

    • Daytona – No owners event, just Ride Command promotion (show them your Ride Command Route) to get some swag.

    • New enhancements to the referral program are coming soon.

  • King of the Baggers - Pittsburgh

    • Sponsor pulled out; race has been removed from the schedule.

Membership Update – Rick Smith / Kevin Irwin

  • The word is getting out. Our newsletter is increasing engagement with past members and new prospects.

  • In February we received 8 inquiries and 2 member enrollments.

Communication Update – Kevin Irwin

  • Unveiled the completed website and the new domain name. Check it out —>

  • Sparkling apple cider and cookies with the North Canton IMRG logo were distributed and a toast was held for the new site.

  • Reviewed the key sections of the Website - it will be the source for member news and information, but it is also the place for people to get know about our chapter and how they can join us.

  • The printable one page 2021 Ride Calendar can be accessed from the menu.

  • The “Members Only” section contains details of the scheduled rides. These access to these details are the benefit of being a registered member of our chapter. Being password protected enhances our safety on the rides, by ensuring who we are riding with and keeping our destinations and routes confidential.

  • The “Members Only” password can be distributed by any officer after we verify current membership or receive a completed Chapter Enrollment form.

  • Special thanks to Bair’s Indian Motorcycle for funding the website and allowing us to take this chapter to the next level!

Ride Update – Tom

  • 2021 Ride Calendar was distributed to all who attended. Members in attendance were also given the “Members Only” password.

  • The group walked through a high level description of the 23 rides that total nearly 4500 miles.

  • Click here to check it out —> 2021 Ride Calendar

Safety Update – Mike

  • To help shake off the winter rust the Chapter is planning some parking lot practice with cones. This is not training, it is not a competition, simply low speed maneuverability practice. Our target date is March 21st with a rain date, if necessary, set for April 11th. Bair’s will open the parking lot, but the building will be closed. Stay tuned for more details.

VP Thoughts – John

  • February Fun Fact Contest drawing - February’s winner was Paul Stokes who won an Indian Motorcycle metal sign. March’s contest prize will be a North Canton IMRG hat or t-shirt!

  • To be entered in March’s contest, simply look for the Fun Fact in the March Newsletter and click here to let him know —> Fun Fact Contest

Announcements – important upcoming dates – Wanda

  • Save the Date: 3/21 or 4/11 - Parking lot refresher

  • Save they Date: 4/17 - Kickoff Ride

  • As your prep your bike for riding season be sure to throw a mask in the saddlebag.

Bair’s News

  • 2022 Chief Dark Horse was on display in all it’s glory. Members sized it up, started it, and tested the new speedometer digital display. The bike sounded great and looked great. We all hope the demo truck will loaded with these bikes in June!


Wanda adjourned the meeting at 8:10 pm.  Next meeting is Monday, April 5th at Bair’s.


In Like a Lion…


New Website Launched