Low Speed Practice Session

Bair’s Indian Motorcycle opened the parking lot to us on Sunday, March 21st, for some low speed practice drills. Fourteen members, officers and guests took their turn getting to know the friction zone again after a (dare I say it) short winter. Each participant took their turn at:

  • a slow speed straight lane (cause we never get caught in bumper-to-bumper construction traffic in NE OH)

  • ever tightening circles around a single cone

  • straight-line weave

  • 90 degree turns from a stop

  • and the dreaded U-turn x 2 (3-parking space box and 2-parking space box).

I think all participants would agree that what started out rather humbling, turned out to be quite a bonding experience as we watched each other shake off the rust and sharpen those skills. Mother Nature provided a beautiful day, and the good folks at Bair’s provided the cones and thoughtfully left a table and several chairs out for us; those came in handy when the clutch hand needed a break! We did NOT practice any Evel Knievel jumps, (Bair’s did leave the ramp out though, which prompted some discussion; maybe next time…😉).

Rob Gaddis tightening up his circle…you’ll have to imagine the steely focus behind those shades…😎

Rob Gaddis tightening up his circle…you’ll have to imagine the steely focus behind those shades…😎

Rick Cooper navigating the 3-space U-Turn.

Rick Cooper navigating the 3-space U-Turn.

Head Road Captain Tom Johnson enters the weave as Rick Cooper exits the 90 degree turn from a stop in the background.

Head Road Captain Tom Johnson enters the weave as Rick Cooper exits the 90 degree turn from a stop in the background.


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