January Chapter Meeting Minutes

January 4th Chapter Meeting Minutes by Kevin Irwin  

2020 President Kevin Irwin kicked off the meeting at 7:10 after watching a replay of the King of the Baggers Race held on October 20th, 2020 at Laguna Seca Raceway.   Tyler O’Hara captured the win onboard the S&S Indian Challenger.  A great way to start a meeting!

Kevin Irwin recapped the year and recognized our 1K Riders.  These are chapter members whose chapter groups rides totaled at least 1,000 miles.   Bair’s Powersports provided 1K riders with an IMRG Truckers cap.  

Congratulations to our 2020 1K (Pandemic Edition) Riders! 

  • Bob Egner

  • Chuck Austin

  • David White

  • John Breda

  • Kevin Irwin

  • Mike Johnston

  • Mike Newbold

  • Rick Smith

  • Tom Johnson

  • Wanda Carlisle

Kevin recognized and thanked our 2020 officers.  Special recognition was made of Chuck Austin and Bob Egner’s  contribution as officers over the last few years.  

  • Kevin Irwin - President

  • John Breda - Vice President

  • Wanda Carlisle - Secretary

  • Jeff Peterson - Communications/Editor

  • Bob Egner - Safety Director / Head Road Captain

  • Chuck Austin - Membership Director

Kevin expressed his appreciation to Bair’s for another year of great sponsorship. 

The 2021 officers were announced and were voted in unanimously, and at that point the meeting was turned over to Wanda Carlisle.  

President’s Report -

Wanda reported that she had submitted the 2021 Chapter Renewal to Indian Motorcycle on December 22nd.  She outlined the goals in the renewal: 

  • Improved communication – We’re going to make sure every member is informed using multiple channels of communication.

  • Increased engagement – We’re going to plan rides and functions with every member in mind.

  • Increased visibility in the dealership – When you take your bike in for service next year, or simply stop by to say hi, you’ll see what the chapter has been up to and what events are coming up.

  • Involvement with a charity – We’ve discussed adopting a charity to support; in 2021 we will execute our ideas.

Wanda displayed an Indian Motorcycle quilt that was purchased by Bair’s and will be used for a raffle. Proceeds from the raffle will be given to the charity selected by the chapter. The winner will be drawn at the President’s Ride in late September.

  • $5/ticket

  • 5 for $20

  • 10 for $40

  • Each purchaser to complete info sheet

First opportunity to buy raffle tickets will be at the Swap Your Swag event on February 20th. 

Membership Update -  Rick Smith was unable to attend the meeting but Wanda presented the survey results.  123 surveys were emailed with 75 being opened (60%) and 25 of those completing the survey.   

Click here to see the survey results:  Survey Results

Communication Update - Kevin Irwin

Kevin discussed plans for the newsletter to be sent the week after the monthly meeting to provide the most accurate information possible. 

Kevin also reviewed plans to develop a website for the chapter.  The general idea is to have one place for members to access chapter information and details about group rides from a mobile device.  Stay tuned and check out what another chapter is doing with their website —>  IMRG of Middle Tennessee 

Additionally,  we have setup email accounts to be used for the officers.  These accounts will used in the newsletter and websites for chapter business.  For example, Do you have any pictures or videos from chapter rides/events?  Click —> Pictures to Kevin

Ride Schedule Update - Tom Johnson 

Tom talked about looking forward to riding this year.  He is still looking for Ride Captains.  Additionally, he was struggling to find a location for the ride planning meeting, because most public locations are closed.  He will be setting a date and location soon.

Safety Update - Mike Johnston 

Mike talked about keeping after action safety reviews short, sweet, and on point.  He also discussed plans to do some parking lot training or drills in the spring to shake of the rust (not off the bikes....the riders!)

VP Thoughts - John Breda 

He thanked everyone for attending and shared shared his optimism for 2021.   The leadership team has some big things planned for this year. 

Wanda wrapped up the evening leading a discussion on the charity the chapter would like to support.  A number of good ideas were submitted and discussed.  The chapter decided to support the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank.  Wanda will be reaching out to the charity to establish a relationship. 

The meeting ended at 8:15 PM.


Meet our 2021 Chapter Officers


WV Leaf Ride