February Chapter Meeting Minutes

February 1st Chapter Meeting Minutes by Kevin Irwin  

Chapter President Wanda Carlisle kicked off the meeting at 7:02 showing a video showing off the 2022 FTR.  

Old Business

  • Chapter Renewal was submitted in December and approved Jan 19th. We are officially deemed active for 2021.

  • Survey results reviewed and used as basis for ride planning meeting (Tom to update later), and made available via link in the last newletter.

  • Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank is our charity for 2021. Event Agreement submitted.

New Business

President’s Update – Wanda 

  • Discussed Indian Motorcycle’s IMRG National’s Local Support Program that would provide $250 for ride events. Officers will be looking at which ride event we could use that money.

  • Introduced a cool idea that is being supported by Indian Motorcycle and other IMRG Chapters called the Traveling IMRG Box to be sent out soon. We will be gauging our participation.

Goal Progress:

  • Improved communication – Website is under construction.

  • Increased engagement – Ride schedule influenced by survey feedback and we will be introducing a Fun Fact contest.

  • Involvement with charity – Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank raffle is kicking of soon.

  • Increased visibility – a digital picture frame will be placed in then waiting area of the service center with rolling pictures of our rides and other activities.

Ride Schedule Update - Tom Johnson
Tom reported that a meeting was held to look at potential rides and review some research he had done on the “best” rides in Ohio.

23 rides were selected and put into the ride calendar that totaled nearly 4,500 miles. The rides included overnighters, some old Chapter favorites, as well as some new themed rides. A few of the rides were discussed in detail.

One exciting ride was the King of the Baggers Race in Wampum, PA, August 13th through the 15th. We are considering an overnight trip on August 14th and 15th. This is a exciting opportunity to see an amazing event and connect with other Indian Motorcycle enthusiasts.

The survey done early in the year influenced the variety of rides and schedule. One good example, is that members wanted to see rides on Saturdays and Sundays. To accomplish this we set the ride day as the odd calendar day of the weekend. This helped distribute the rides evenly.

Finally, a new format was introduced for the ride calendar. A one page document that lists all of the group rides by name and date, with a 9-month color calendar view that highlights the ride dates.

Tom reported we are on track to publish the ride calendar and present at the March 1st Chapter meeting.

Communication Update - Kevin Irwin
Kevin texted everyone in attendance a link to the new chapter website that is under construction.

The website is being built with a responsive design that adjusts sizing according to the device that is accessing the content such as a desktop, tablet, or smart phone.  Colors and fonts are dictated by Indian Motorcycle through our charter.  The goal is make it easy to see outdoors on smart phones (but not while you are riding!) so we are choosing backgrounds and font colors to enhance visualization. 

The website will not only be a place for the public to learn about who we are and what we do, but it will have a members only section.  The members only section will contain the details about group rides and events that are intended for chapter members.  It will be password protected - if you are a registered member, you will get the password.  

The website is on track to be launched at the March 1st Chapter meeting along with the 2021 Group Ride Calendar. 

Membership Update - Rick Smith
Rick connected to the meeting via video feed from sunny Florida.  Rick reported that he has been contacted by a number of folks interested in joining.  

Rick mentioned we are finalizing our membership enrollment process and form.

VP Thoughts - John Breda 
Announced a contest that will start when the February Newsletter is published.   Email John the fun fact that was revealed in his “View from the Rear” article and have your name entered in a drawing for an Indian Motorcycle metal sign provided by Bair’s!  The first drawing will be at March 1st Chapter meeting. 

The meeting ended at 7:58 PM.

Next meeting will be at 7:00 PM on March 1st @ Bair’s Indian Motorcycle.

Let John Breda know you saw this. Click here —> Fun Fact Raffle


Swap Your Swag


Chapter Sets Sights on Charity