2021 Kickoff Ride 4.17.21

By President Wanda Carlisle

Over 20 members and officers met at Bair’s Indian Motorcycle bright and early on Saturday, April 17th to officially kick off the 2021 season.  Due to the chill in the air, Bair’s set us up in the showroom for breakfast catered by Buehler’s.  Warm coffee and individually wrapped (Covid-friendly and portable!) breakfast sandwiches were enjoyed by all.  Then it was outside for some chapter photos and….we were off!  

The sound of 16 Indians (and a couple Harleys) was music to our ears…and the sight of all those beautiful bikes was something to behold.  Once we got out of town, we meandered out Rt 30 and down Rt 9 to Jimmy’s Backyard BBQ in Carrollton.  We even meandered a bit in Carrollton (oops, it wouldn’t be a chapter ride without at least one circle around, right?) before stopping in and picking up some tasty pulled pork , brisket and spicy chicken sandwiches to eat at the monument.  The food smelled so good some of us (you know who you are) did a little sampling in the parking lot before we even rolled out from Carrollton!  This one definitely gets added to our lengthening list of good lunch stops.

It didn’t take us long to get back in the twisties on 9 and 646 (that’s where we saw the horse-drawn lawnmower; the Amish sure are creative) to Custer Monument.  After a short picnic, it was back to the twisties on Rts 151, 332, 164 and 212.  What a spectacular view in the mirror with all those Indians stretched out through the bends!  Miraculously, we managed to stay together for the most part and arrived at our endpoint in Bolivar right on time, shortly after 3:00, which of course was when the sun chose to come out!  Well, that’s April in NE OH.  Conveniently, there just happens to be a Dairy Queen at that Marathon, so we were able to end the ride appropriately with a little ice cream before we went our separate ways.  

Thank you to all who braved the chilly morning, your patience through the chapter photos.  Thank you to Bair’s for providing our breakfast, sending us on our way, and joining us on the ride.  Thank you to the chapter officers for all the hard work that has led up to this riding season that is now underway.  We continue with our next ride on Sunday, April 25th.  Check the Members Only section for full details regarding the lineup and route.  If you haven’t yet gotten your password for the Members Only section, Click here to request it from our Webmaster, Kevin Irwin.


4.25.21 - Barber of Seville Ride


Riding in the Pandemic